Holy Trinity Brompton Wedding Photography
A selection of wedding photographs at Holy Trinity Brompton by London wedding photographer, Jay Rowden
Bride: Miss Amy Nitschke // Groom: Mr Matt Baird // Wedding Photographer: Jay Rowden // Ceremonial Venue: Holy Trinity Brompton, HTB Brompton Road London SW7 1JA // Wedding Reception: Millenium Gloucester Hotel, 4-18 Harrington Gardens London, SW7 4LH // Brides Dress: Caroline Castigliano // Bride's Shoes: 'Touch Ups' by Benjamin Walk // Wedding Flowers: Beaufort Blooms // Bride's Headpiece: Caroline Castigliano // Bridesmaids real feather jackets: Joan Lee // Bride's Jacket: asos // Wedding Cake: Snaffles Food // Wedding DJ: DJ Tito
Written by Jay Rowden
My first wedding of the year at Holy Trinity Brompton and what a great wedding it was too with so many incredible moments that it is hard for me to know where to begin. The church service was beautifully led by Associate Vicar Miles Toulmin and at many points throughout the service Miles had Amy & Matt (and in fact most of the congregation) in hysterics with his superb account of Amy & Matt's early courtship. Fantastic musical accompaniment came from the band in which Amy is normally the lead singer, no less! The weather was kind to us and whilst it was a bit chilly, we were fortunate to be blessed with beautiful light and thankfully no rain.... or indeed snow! After all, it was February. Amy & Matt treated the congregation to bubbles in the local HTB hall before I whisked the bridal party off to one of the local mews to capture some memorable photographs. The reception was held around the corner in the luxury Millenium Gloucester Hotel in South Kensington where we were all treated to a surprise, the likes of which I have not seen before. Immediately after Amy & Matt had performed their brilliantly rehearsed first dance to Nina Simone's 'My Baby Just Cares For Me', a flash mob dance spontaneously lept into action. Matt was made to sit down while he was serenaded by Amy divinely singing the Bruno Mars track 'Marry You' with a little bit of help from around 20 sublimely choreographed dancing guests. It was a spellbinding performance and one which I will never forget. And neither will Matt I suspect. Watch this space Youtube!!! It was an immaculate day and I felt very privileged to have been there to see it. Amy looked incredible in her Castigliano gown, and Amy's bridesmaids dazzled us in their dresses too. Matt looked tremendous in his morning suit as did his impeccable groomsmen. Many, many congratulations Amy & Matt and thank you very much for sharing your day with me.
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