Executive Photos London
Executive Photos London, my philosophy on photography: business and art can exist, side by side.
On location, studio portraits and events.
An all inclusive, flat pricing structure and no hidden fees.
No VAT, no travel expenses and no fees for hire of equipment.
A fully insured all round service which includes as standard:
-Fast turn around image processing
-Private download links
-Very high resolution JPEGs
-Unlimited licencing rights across all platforms irrespective of usage
-Discreet non-disclosure agreements if required
For more information about Executive Photos London, please email studio@wwwjayrowdencom.kinsta.cloud, use the contact form at the bottom of this page or call me directly on: 07712 442191
“Jay is a fantastic, professional headshot photographer. He seems to understand people and knows exactly how to make executives feel relaxed in front of the camera”. Andy Dyer, London
“We have worked with Jay on several occasions, and we can’t recommend him highly enough. He is wonderful to work with - calm and professional and makes everyone feel completely at ease in front of the camera. His photographs speak for themselves!” Nicola Craxton, London
Executive photographers London
Executive Photos London, when it comes to making beautiful but professional corporate headshots, there is a balancing act. The pictures need to present the person looking professional; that is a given. But the key, at least I believe, is to also capture the executive looking comfortable on camera. How then do you capture corporate photography so the person looks professional but also relaxed?
Corporate headshots London
For me, I believe that it’s all about the environment. Environmental office portraits are key. Executive Photos London, they are the best way to achieve relaxed, professional photos of executives. The office is where they spend a huge percentage of their day. It’s a place they know well and feel comfortable. It makes sense to take business headshots here at work.
Professional headshots London
Years ago, professional corporate headshot poses would take place in a studio. Back in the day, the studio was the tried and tested environment for C suite photos. Therefore I think it’s fair to say that these kinds of shots are not as popular as they were. When social media first launched, studio shots were all the rage. It was on trend for business people to have their LinkedIn professional shots taken in a stark studio. Typically the business headshot examples would see the person looking pretty.
London business portrait photography
Of course, there is still a place for those kind of studio photographs, though they are not nearly as popular. Today, it’s all about corporate portraits London in the workplace. There’s a familiarity about the office. Shots at work instantly put the business executive at ease. Photographs taken at work also serve as an extension of the brand values. They reinforce the company culture to the wider world.
Portraits Taken In The Office
The second advantage to having your picture taken at work, is that time spent at work is precious. Taking busy execs away from their work for a photo session is a waste of their time and money. Therefore, stepping out of the board meeting and walking only a few paces to the conference room just makes sense. Additionally the office, main reception or even the waiting room is a much better use of time for all concerned.
Best corporate headshots London
I am very experienced working with a variety of different Blue Chip, Start Ups and Fintech businesses. Executive Photos London, I know how to instantly connect with my subjects. Further, I have a great understanding of how to foster trust in senior executives. This level of trust enables me to work quickly. Also, I shoot efficiently ensuring fantastic, natural imagery. Not many of us are comfortable in front of the camera. Moreover, it is a great compliment when subjects tell me afterwards that the process was not nearly as painful as they feared!
Corporate portraits London
If you are thinking of updating the shots of your boardroom personnel, I would love to help. Whether they will be used for the website or indeed LinkedIn, then I would be very happy to facilitate. Perhaps you run a Fintech or a small business and want to update your exec shots for your website and social media? If so, please email me to explain your needs via email at: studio@wwwjayrowdencom.kinsta.cloud. Alternatively do call me directly on the mobile: 07712 442191. If you would prefer, please feel free to use the contact form below. I will revert back to you as soon as I am able to.
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